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Efreet voltar

Experiência: 410
Velocidade: 180
Vida: 550

Summonable: false
Convinceable: false

Armor: 20
Defense: 20

Items drop
* Item Max. Chance * Item Max. Chance
Green Tapestry - 2.2% Small Oil Lamp - 0.16%
Gold Coin 50 60% Small Emerald - 7%
Green Gem - 0.2% Wand Of Inferno - 0.39%
Heavy Machete - 5% Mystic Turban - 0.16%
Pear 5 9.39% Green Piece Of Cloth - 3%
Royal Spear 3 15.57% Strong Mana Potion - 3.5%
Magma Monocle - 0.36% Jewelled Belt - 8.54%
Noble Turban - 1.13%

Monster of the Week Monster Pedestal Box
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