Contentbox headline
Ghazbaran voltar

Experiência: 15000
Velocidade: 400
Vida: 86000

Summonable: false
Convinceable: false

Armor: 55
Defense: 65

Items drop
* Item Max. Chance * Item Max. Chance
Blue Tome - 20% Teddy Bear - 12.5%
Crystal Ring - 8.33% White Pearl 15 25%
Black Pearl 14 11.11% Small Diamond 5 25%
Small Sapphire 10 25% Small Emerald 10 25%
Small Amethyst 17 25% Talon 7 12.5%
Platinum Coin 69 100% Green Gem - 20%
Blue Gem - 14.29% Might Ring - 12.5%
Stealth Ring - 12.5% Strange Symbol - 11.11%
Life Crystal - 12.5% Mind Stone - 20%
Gold Ring - 20% Ring Of Healing - 20%
Twin Axe - 11.11% Golden Armor - 8%
Magic Plate Armor - 8% Demon Shield - 12.5%
Golden Boots - 8.33% Demon Horn 2 33.33%
Death Ring - 25% Demonic Essence - 100%
Ruthless Axe - 14.29% Assassin Star 44 12.5%
Havoc Blade - 16.67% Ravenwing - 14.29%
Great Mana Potion - 20% Great Health Potion - 20%
Glacier Kilt - 8.33% Great Spirit Potion - 25%
Oceanborn Leviathan Armor - 16.67% Frozen Plate - 8.33%
Spellbook Of Warding - 20% Spellbook Of Mind Control - 11.11%
Spellbook Of Lost Souls - 16.67% Spellscroll Of Prophecies - 25%
Spellbook Of Dark Mysteries - 20%

Monster of the Week Monster Pedestal Box
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