Contentbox headline
Glooth Fairy voltar

Experiência: 19000
Velocidade: 250
Vida: 59000

Summonable: false
Convinceable: false

Armor: 40
Defense: 40

Items drop
* Item Max. Chance * Item Max. Chance
Small Diamond 5 14.29% Small Sapphire 5 12.5%
Small Ruby 5 14.29% Gold Coin 100 100%
Small Emerald 5 20% Small Amethyst 5 10%
Platinum Coin 5 100% Yellow Gem - 2.5%
Red Gem - 3.33% Blue Gem - 4.17%
Iron Ore - 20% Great Mana Potion 5 25%
Great Health Potion 5 25% Great Spirit Potion 5 33.33%
Gear Wheel - 16.67% Small Topaz 5 14.29%
Glooth Injection Tube 3 100% Glooth Sandwich 5 25%
Bowl Of Glooth Soup 5 20% Glooth Steak 5 20%
Glooth Spear 5 16.67% Glooth Cape - 7.14%
Rubber Cap - 7.14% Heat Core - 5%
Glooth Club - 20% Glooth Blade - 20%
Glooth Axe - 14.29% Glooth Amulet - 20%
Feedbag - 1.67%

Monster of the Week Monster Pedestal Box
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