Contentbox headline
Hellgorak voltar

Experiência: 10000
Velocidade: 360
Vida: 30850

Summonable: false
Convinceable: false

Armor: 70
Defense: 65

Items drop
* Item Max. Chance * Item Max. Chance
Crystal Necklace - 12.71% Golden Amulet - 9.68%
Ruby Necklace - 11.8% Demonbone Amulet - 0.15%
White Pearl 25 13.92% Black Pearl 25 14.07%
Small Diamond 25 12.86% Small Sapphire 25 11.65%
Small Ruby 5 13.01% Gold Coin 200 100%
Small Emerald 25 10.74% Small Amethyst 25 12.41%
Platinum Coin 30 21.79% Great Axe - 0.1%
Golden Armor - 2.87% Golden Legs - 0.45%
Knight Legs - 9.53% Crown Armor - 19.67%
Crown Legs - 10.14% Steel Boots - 10.74%
Blue Robe - 8.17% Beastslayer Axe - 29.95%
Demon Horn 2 9.23% Vile Axe - 1.97%
Butcher's Axe - 2.72% Executioner - 0.61%
Noble Axe - 12.86% Great Mana Potion - 16.19%
Great Health Potion - 20.57% Magma Legs - 11.35%
Great Spirit Potion - 21.18% Spirit Cloak - 10.14%
Focus Cape - 10.59% Voltage Armor - 0.45%
Spellbook Of Warding - 31.01% Spellbook Of Mind Control - 8.77%
Spellbook Of Lost Souls - 8.62% Spellscroll Of Prophecies - 1.36%
Spellbook Of Dark Mysteries - 0.3% Demonwing Axe - 0.45%
Slightly Rusted Armor - 30.56% Slightly Rusted Legs - 49.92%
Small Topaz 25 11.2%

Monster of the Week Monster Pedestal Box
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