Contentbox headline
Hellspawn voltar

Experiência: 2550
Velocidade: 360
Vida: 3500

Summonable: false
Convinceable: false

Armor: 40
Defense: 40

Items drop
* Item Max. Chance * Item Max. Chance
Gold Coin 36 60% Morning Star - 10%
Warrior Helmet - 1.89% Knight Legs - 3.03%
Red Mushroom 2 7.69% Demonic Essence - 9.09%
Assassin Star 2 9.09% Onyx Flail - 0.1%
Berserk Potion - 0.93% Spiked Squelcher - 0.97%
Great Health Potion - 40.33% Ultimate Health Potion - 9.09%
Rusted Armor - 3.13% Slightly Rusted Armor - 3.13%
Dracoyle Statue - 0.14% Black Skull - 0.15%
Small Topaz 3 5.88% Hellspawn Tail - 20%

Monster of the Week Monster Pedestal Box
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