Contentbox headline
Ironblight voltar

Experiência: 4400
Velocidade: 220
Vida: 6600

Summonable: false
Convinceable: false

Armor: 35
Defense: 35

Items drop
* Item Max. Chance * Item Max. Chance
Gold Coin 199 100% Small Emerald 3 10.89%
Small Amethyst 3 15.02% Platinum Coin 8 100%
Red Gem - 3.51% Blue Gem - 0.48%
Epee - 0.48% Magic Sulphur - 0.83%
Sapphire Hammer - 0.48% Great Mana Potion - 17.64%
Terra Legs - 1.11% Ultimate Health Potion - 18.33%
Composite Hornbow - 0.21% Springsprout Rod - 1.72%
Crystal Of Balance - 4.48% Crystal Of Power - 2.48%
War Crystal - 21.23% Shiny Stone - 15.23%
Jade Hat - 0.21% Glacial Rod - 0.96%
Green Crystal Shard - 5.72% Brown Crystal Splinter 2 12.61%
Red Crystal Fragment - 10.54% Crystalline Spikes - 18.4%

Monster of the Week Monster Pedestal Box
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