Contentbox headline
Lich voltar

Experiência: 900
Velocidade: 220
Vida: 880

Summonable: false
Convinceable: false

Armor: 25
Defense: 25

Items drop
* Item Max. Chance * Item Max. Chance
White Pearl - 5% Black Pearl 3 5.96%
Gold Coin 139 100% Small Emerald 3 2.23%
Platinum Coin - 19.72% Yellow Gem - 0.69%
Platinum Amulet - 0.45% Spellbook - 10%
Mind Stone - 0.35% Ring Of Healing - 1.54%
Skull Staff - 0.55% Strange Helmet - 0.74%
Ancient Shield - 2.42% Castle Shield - 0.35%
Blue Robe - 0.15% Strong Mana Potion - 7.5%
Lightning Boots - 0.2% Small Topaz 3 2.43%
Maxilla Maximus - 0.1%

Monster of the Week Monster Pedestal Box
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