Contentbox headline
Orewalker voltar

Experiência: 4800
Velocidade: 250
Vida: 7200

Summonable: false
Convinceable: false

Armor: 45
Defense: 45

Items drop
* Item Max. Chance * Item Max. Chance
Gold Coin 98 50% Platinum Coin 10 100%
Yellow Gem - 1.03% Dwarven Ring - 4.66%
Knight Legs - 1.91% Crown Armor - 0.37%
Crown Helmet - 0.89% Iron Ore - 15%
Magic Sulphur - 3% Titan Axe - 2.6%
Glorious Axe - 1.87% Strong Health Potion 2 15.6%
Strong Mana Potion 2 14% Great Mana Potion 2 14%
Mana Potion 4 14% Ultimate Health Potion 2 9.5%
Crystalline Armor - 0.56% Small Topaz 3 16.5%
Shiny Stone - 13.7% Sulphurous Stone - 20.7%
Wand Of Defiance - 1.3% Green Crystal Shard - 8%
Blue Crystal Splinter 2 16% Cyan Crystal Fragment - 13%
Pulverized Ore - 20.5% Vein Of Ore - 15%
Prismatic Bolt 5 15.5% Crystal Crossbow - 0.3%

Monster of the Week Monster Pedestal Box
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