Contentbox headline
Priestess voltar

Experiência: 420
Velocidade: 220
Vida: 390

Summonable: false
Convinceable: false

Armor: 15
Defense: 15

Items drop
* Item Max. Chance * Item Max. Chance
Book - 0.89% Wooden Flute - 1.41%
Piggy Bank - 0.09% Crystal Necklace - 0.64%
Talon - 0.75% Hailstorm Rod - 1.1%
Crystal Ball - 1.25% Wooden Flute - 1.4%
Clerical Mace - 1.5% Black Shield - 0.21%
Red Apple 2 7.5% Goat Grass - 11.72%
Wood Mushroom - 3.24% Sling Herb - 13.2%
Powder Herb - 5.9% Mana Potion - 0.85%
Cultish Robe - 1.8% Black Hood - 5.23%
Dark Rosary - 9.84%

Monster of the Week Monster Pedestal Box
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