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Seacrest Serpent voltar

Experiência: 2600
Velocidade: 658
Vida: 3000

Summonable: false
Convinceable: false

Armor: 22
Defense: 31

Items drop
* Item Max. Chance * Item Max. Chance
White Pearl 2 3.68% Black Pearl 3 2.34%
Small Diamond 3 5.02% Platinum Coin 5 100%
Dragon Ham - 13.04% Soul Orb - 3.34%
Strong Health Potion 2 7.02% Strong Mana Potion 2 10.37%
Shiver Arrow 17 7.02% Glacier Amulet - 0.67%
Glacier Shoes - 3.01% Glacier Kilt - 3.68%
Glacier Mask - 2.68% Wand Of Draconia - 0.67%
Wand Of Defiance - 0.67% Seacrest Pearl - 10.03%
Seacrest Scale - 17.39% Seacrest Hair - 12.04%
Crest Of The Deep Seas - 0.4%

Monster of the Week Monster Pedestal Box
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