Contentbox headline
Undead Elite Gladiator voltar

Experiência: 7900
Velocidade: 150
Vida: 8000

Summonable: false
Convinceable: false

Armor: 85
Defense: 45

Items drop
* Item Max. Chance * Item Max. Chance
Platinum Coin 40 44% Stealth Ring - 0.23%
Protection Amulet - 0.25% Two Handed Sword - 0.25%
Throwing Star 18 0.5% Scimitar - 0.5%
Knight Axe - 0.25% Plate Armor - 0.25%
Dark Helmet - 0.25% Crusader Helmet - 0.15%
Plate Legs - 0.25% Hunting Spear - 0.25%
Flask Of Warrior's Sweat - 0.25% Relic Sword - 0.15%
Great Health Potion 2 0.25% Belted Cape - 0.5%
Broken Gladiator Shield - 0.25% Ultimate Health Potion Cask 2 0.5%

Monster of the Week Monster Pedestal Box
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