Contentbox headline
Ushuriel voltar

Experiência: 10000
Velocidade: 350
Vida: 35500

Summonable: false
Convinceable: false

Armor: 50
Defense: 45

Items drop
* Item Max. Chance * Item Max. Chance
Gold Coin 190 50% Platinum Coin 26 20%
Orb - 16.67% Life Crystal - 16.67%
Mind Stone - 20% Spike Sword - 9.09%
Fire Sword - 14.29% Giant Sword - 7.69%
Scimitar - 11.11% Warrior Helmet - 20%
Strange Helmet - 8.33% Crown Helmet - 6.25%
Royal Helmet - 20% Brown Mushroom 30 50%
Mysterious Voodoo Skull - 12.5% Skull Helmet - 20%
Iron Ore - 33.33% Spirit Container - 4.76%
Flask Of Warrior's Sweat - 5.56% Enchanted Chicken Wing - 7.69%
Huge Chunk Of Crude Iron - 14.29% Hardened Bone 20 25%
Demon Horn 2 8.33% Unholy Book - 2.06%
Demonic Essence - 100% Crimson Sword - 10%
Thaian Sword - 25% Dragon Slayer - 8.33%
Runed Sword - 6.67% Great Mana Potion - 20%
Great Health Potion - 20% Great Spirit Potion - 20%
Heavily Rusted Armor - 20% Gold Ingot - 16.67%

Monster of the Week Monster Pedestal Box
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