Contentbox headline
Yakchal voltar

Experiência: 4400
Velocidade: 220
Vida: 5750

Summonable: false
Convinceable: false

Armor: 15
Defense: 20

Items drop
* Item Max. Chance * Item Max. Chance
Gold Coin 283 97% Life Ring - 4.7%
Boots Of Haste - 1.5% Dragon Necklace - 15%
Skull Staff - 8% Green Mushroom - 1.5%
Blue Piece Of Cloth - 74% Shard - 100%
Queen's Sceptre - 4.7% Berserk Potion - 4.7%
Mastermind Potion - 65% Bullseye Potion - 8%
Crystal Sword - 22% Pair Of Earmuffs - 6.35%
Great Mana Potion - 9.5% Glacier Kilt - 12%
Glacier Robe - 8% Gold Ingot - 33%

Monster of the Week Monster Pedestal Box
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