Contentbox headline
Demon voltar

Experiência: 6000
Velocidade: 280
Vida: 8200

Summonable: false
Convinceable: false

Armor: 55
Defense: 55

Items drop
* Item Max. Chance * Item Max. Chance
Purple Tome - 1.18% Small Ruby 5 7.43%
Gold Coin 100 60% Small Emerald 5 9.69%
Small Amethyst 5 7.25% Talon - 3.43%
Platinum Coin 8 90.54% Red Gem - 2.22%
Might Ring - 1.89% Stealth Ring - 2.17%
Platinum Amulet - 0.68% Orb - 2.85%
Gold Ring - 1.05% Ring Of Healing - 1.99%
Giant Sword - 1.98% Ice Rapier - 1.55%
Golden Sickle - 1.44% Fire Axe - 4.03%
Devil Helmet - 1.18% Golden Legs - 0.44%
Magic Plate Armor - 0.13% Mastermind Shield - 0.48%
Demon Shield - 0.74% Fire Mushroom 6 19.66%
Demon Horn - 14.92% Demonic Essence - 14.63%
Assassin Star 10 12.55% Demonrage Sword - 0.07%
Demon Trophy - 0.09% Great Mana Potion 3 22.22%
Great Spirit Potion 3 18.51% Small Topaz 5 7.47%

Monster of the Week Monster Pedestal Box
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