Contentbox headline
Fleshcrawler voltar

Experiência: 1000
Velocidade: 280
Vida: 1450

Summonable: false
Convinceable: false

Armor: 30
Defense: 30

Items drop
* Item Max. Chance * Item Max. Chance
Scarab Amulet - 52.22% Ancient Amulet - 45.56%
Small Emerald 3 88.89% Small Amethyst 4 87.22%
Platinum Coin 15 98.89% Scarab Coin 2 98.89%
Scarab Shield - 43.89% Amber Staff - 30.56%
Strong Health Potion - 43.33% Terra Mantle - 11.11%
Springsprout Rod - 75.56% Scarab Pincers - 100%
Ornamented Brooch - 14.44%

Monster of the Week Monster Pedestal Box
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