Contentbox headline
Hero voltar

Experiência: 1200
Velocidade: 268
Vida: 1400

Summonable: false
Convinceable: false

Armor: 40
Defense: 40

Items drop
* Item Max. Chance * Item Max. Chance
Scroll - 45% Lyre - 1.64%
Piggy Bank - 0.08% Rope - 2.19%
Wedding Ring - 4.91% Gold Coin 100 59.5%
Might Ring - 0.47% Two Handed Sword - 1.5%
War Hammer - 0.87% Fire Sword - 0.55%
Bow - 13.3% Crown Armor - 0.49%
Crown Legs - 0.66% Crown Helmet - 0.45%
Crown Shield - 0.28% Arrow 13 26%
Green Tunic - 8% Scarf - 1.11%
Meat 3 8.2% Grapes - 19.85%
Red Rose - 20.45% Red Piece Of Cloth - 2.01%
Sniper Arrow 4 11.4% Great Health Potion - 0.72%
Small Notebook - 0.93% Scroll Of Heroic Deeds - 5%

Monster of the Week Monster Pedestal Box
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