Contentbox headline
Horestis voltar

Experiência: 3500
Velocidade: 276
Vida: 6000

Summonable: false
Convinceable: false

Armor: 25
Defense: 30

Items drop
* Item Max. Chance * Item Max. Chance
Silver Brooch - 12% Gold Coin 243 95%
Platinum Coin 5 36% Scarab Coin 5 14%
Pharaoh Sword - 5% Twin Axe - 2.5%
Great Mana Potion 3 10% Great Health Potion 4 5%
Heavily Rusted Legs - 2.5% Mini Mummy - 2.5%
Pharaoh Banner - 17% Scorpion Sceptre - 100%
Hieroglyph Banner - 12%

Monster of the Week Monster Pedestal Box
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