Contentbox headline
Juggernaut voltar

Experiência: 14000
Velocidade: 280
Vida: 20000

Summonable: false
Convinceable: false

Armor: 60
Defense: 60

Items drop
* Item Max. Chance * Item Max. Chance
Demonbone Amulet - 0.55% Small Ruby 4 20%
Gold Coin 100 100% Small Emerald 5 20%
Platinum Coin 15 100% Violet Gem - 0.83%
Green Gem - 0.87% Red Gem - 13.85%
Dragon Hammer - 9% Heavy Mace - 0.4%
War Axe - 0.4% Golden Armor - 0.55%
Golden Legs - 0.5% Knight Armor - 4.99%
Mastermind Shield - 0.8% Closed Trap - 0.28%
Ham 8 60% Soul Orb - 33.33%
Demonic Essence - 45.33% Concentrated Demonic Blood 4 25%
Onyx Arrow 15 11.11% Assassin Star 10 25%
Titan Axe - 4.43% Spiked Squelcher - 7.76%
Great Mana Potion - 35% Great Health Potion - 32%
Skullcracker Armor - 0.4% Gold Ingot 2 7.69%

Monster of the Week Monster Pedestal Box
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