Contentbox headline
Minotaur Hunter voltar

Experiência: 1700
Velocidade: 220
Vida: 1400

Summonable: false
Convinceable: false

Armor: 30
Defense: 30

Items drop
* Item Max. Chance * Item Max. Chance
Small Ruby 3 2.64% Gold Coin 199 99.5%
Small Amethyst 3 2.58% Platinum Coin 3 33.89%
Yellow Gem - 0.47% Red Gem - 0.4%
Stealth Ring - 2.22% Blank Rune 2 13.6%
Hunting Spear 5 14.88% Minotaur Leather - 5.03%
Green Piece Of Cloth - 1.42% Red Piece Of Cloth - 1.36%
Blue Piece Of Cloth - 1.67% Soul Orb - 7.43%
Royal Spear 5 11.41% Minotaur Trophy - 0.19%
Strong Health Potion 2 10.35% Strong Mana Potion 2 10.62%
Minotaur Horn 2 4.72% Mooh'tah Plate - 0.17%
Mino Shield - 0.64%

Monster of the Week Monster Pedestal Box
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