Contentbox headline
Moohtant voltar

Experiência: 2600
Velocidade: 260
Vida: 3200

Summonable: false
Convinceable: false

Armor: 40
Defense: 45

Items drop
* Item Max. Chance * Item Max. Chance
Small Diamond 2 4.4% Small Ruby 2 4.68%
Gold Coin 195 100% Platinum Coin 2 58.16%
Yellow Gem - 0.71% Ring Of Healing - 2.41%
Meat - 6.52% Minotaur Leather - 4.11%
Red Piece Of Cloth - 0.9% Minotaur Trophy - 0.28%
Chaos Mace - 0.28% Spiked Squelcher - 0.43%
Great Mana Potion 3 7.23% Great Health Potion 3 7.38%
Gold Ingot - 0.28% Moohtant Cudgel - 0.86%
Giant Pacifier - 1.77% Moohtant Horn 2 2.74%

Monster of the Week Monster Pedestal Box
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