Contentbox headline
Plaguesmith voltar

Experiência: 4500
Velocidade: 260
Vida: 8250

Summonable: false
Convinceable: false

Armor: 40
Defense: 40

Items drop
* Item Max. Chance * Item Max. Chance
Emerald Bangle - 0.34% Silver Brooch - 2%
Gold Coin 65 50% Small Amethyst 3 5%
Platinum Coin 2 7.14% Axe Ring - 4.35%
Club Ring - 4.76% Piece Of Iron - 20%
Mouldy Cheese - 50% Dirty Cape - 60%
Two Handed Sword - 20% War Hammer - 2.13%
Morning Star - 29% Battle Hammer - 20%
Hammer Of Wrath - 0.95% Knight Legs - 6.25%
Steel Shield - 20% Steel Boots - 1.12%
Piece Of Royal Steel - 1.23% Piece Of Hell Steel - 1.01%
Piece Of Draconian Steel - 1.03% Soul Orb - 11.11%
Demonic Essence - 9.03% Onyx Arrow 4 7.69%
Great Health Potion - 10% Slightly Rusted Armor - 0.54%

Monster of the Week Monster Pedestal Box
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