Contentbox headline
Terofar voltar

Experiência: 24000
Velocidade: 440
Vida: 40000

Summonable: false
Convinceable: false

Armor: 55
Defense: 65

Items drop
* Item Max. Chance * Item Max. Chance
Gold Coin 200 100% Platinum Coin 50 100%
Green Gem - 16.67% Blue Gem - 11.11%
Boots Of Haste - 1.91% Magic Plate Armor - 0.61%
Royal Helmet - 0.91% Mastermind Shield - 0.96%
Guardian Shield - 22.22% Crown Shield - 11.11%
Demon Shield - 11.11% Steel Boots - 0.91%
Skull Helmet - 1.91% Demon Horn - 100%
Demonic Essence - 100% Great Mana Potion 10 33.33%
Terra Boots - 2.91% Great Spirit Potion 5 2.78%
Lavos Armor - 6.11% Voltage Armor - 11.11%
Earthborn Titan Armor - 0.41% Paladin Armor - 5.56%
Gold Ingot - 16.67% Blue Crystal Shard 8 22.22%
Violet Crystal Shard 8 33.33% Green Crystal Shard 8 44.44%
Cluster Of Solace - 100% Dream Matter - 100%
Unrealized Dream - 100% Dream Warden Mask - 3.56%

Monster of the Week Monster Pedestal Box
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