Contentbox headline
Weeper voltar

Experiência: 4800
Velocidade: 260
Vida: 6800

Summonable: false
Convinceable: false

Armor: 50
Defense: 50

Items drop
* Item Max. Chance * Item Max. Chance
Small Ruby 3 15.69% Gold Coin 99 50%
Platinum Coin 7 100% Fire Sword - 3.28%
Fire Axe - 2.15% Great Mana Potion 2 14.8%
Magma Legs - 0.79% Magma Coat - 0.79%
Ultimate Health Potion 2 15.44% Fiery Heart - 13.57%
Coal - 1.32% Wand Of Everblazing - 1.48%
Violet Crystal Shard - 5.43% Brown Crystal Splinter 2 12.1%
Red Crystal Fragment - 8.88% Magma Clump - 13.24%
Blazing Bone - 14.89% Eye Of A Weeper - 15.87%
Prismatic Bolt 5 10.9%

Monster of the Week Monster Pedestal Box
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