Contentbox headline
Wyrm voltar

Experiência: 1550
Velocidade: 300
Vida: 1825

Summonable: false
Convinceable: false

Armor: 35
Defense: 35

Items drop
* Item Max. Chance * Item Max. Chance
Small Diamond 3 0.75% Gold Coin 30 30%
Crossbow - 5.92% Burst Arrow 10 7.65%
Dragon Ham 3 34.8% Dragonbone Staff - 0.11%
Strong Health Potion - 19.97% Strong Mana Potion - 15.31%
Lightning Pendant - 0.72% Composite Hornbow - 0.09%
Focus Cape - 1.25% Hibiscus Dress - 0.25%
Wand Of Starstorm - 0.42% Wand Of Draconia - 0.99%
Shockwave Amulet - 0.11% Wyrm Scale - 15.36%

Monster of the Week Monster Pedestal Box
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