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Informações - Ammunition
Image Name Attributes
Bolt Bolt - ammunition Weight: 0.20 oz
Attack: 30
Shoot Type: Bolt
Arrow Arrow - ammunition Weight: 0.15 oz
Attack: 25
Shoot Type: Arrow
Poison Arrow Poison Arrow - ammunition Weight: 0.15 oz
Attack: 23
Shoot Type: Poisonarrow
Burst Arrow Burst Arrow - ammunition Weight: 0.15 oz
Attack: 27
Shoot Type: Burstarrow
Power Bolt Power Bolt - ammunition Weight: 0.20 oz
Attack: 40
Shoot Type: Powerbolt
Infernal Bolt Infernal Bolt - ammunition Weight: 0.15 oz
Attack: 72
Shoot Type: Infernalbolt
Piercing Bolt Piercing Bolt - ammunition Weight: 0.20 oz
Attack: 33
Shoot Type: Piercingbolt
Sniper Arrow Sniper Arrow - ammunition Weight: 0.20 oz
Attack: 28
Shoot Type: Sniperarrow
Onyx Arrow Onyx Arrow - ammunition Weight: 0.15 oz
Attack: 38
Shoot Type: Onyxarrow
Flash Arrow Flash Arrow - ammunition Weight: 0.15 oz
Attack: 14
Shoot Type: Flasharrow
Shiver Arrow Shiver Arrow - ammunition Weight: 0.15 oz
Attack: 14
Shoot Type: Shiverarrow
Flaming Arrow Flaming Arrow - ammunition Weight: 0.15 oz
Attack: 14
Shoot Type: Flammingarrow
Earth Arrow Earth Arrow - ammunition Weight: 0.15 oz
Attack: 14
Shoot Type: Eartharrow
Tarsal Arrow Tarsal Arrow - ammunition Weight: 0.15 oz
Attack: 33
Shoot Type: Tarsalarrow
Vortex Bolt Vortex Bolt - ammunition Weight: 0.20 oz
Attack: 36
Shoot Type: Vortexbolt
Crystal Bolt Crystal Bolt - ammunition Weight: 0.20 oz
Attack: 36
Shoot Type: Vortexbolt
Crystalline Arrow Crystalline Arrow - ammunition Weight: 0.15 oz
Attack: 65
Shoot Type: Crystallinearrow
Prismatic Bolt Prismatic Bolt - ammunition Weight: 0.20 oz
Attack: 66
Shoot Type: Prismaticbolt
Drill Bolt Drill Bolt - ammunition Weight: 0.20 oz
Attack: 56
Shoot Type: Drillbolt
Envenomed Arrow Envenomed Arrow - ammunition Weight: 0.20 oz
Attack: 27
Shoot Type: Envenomedarrow
Simple Arrow Simple Arrow - ammunition Weight: 0.10 oz
Attack: 20
Shoot Type: Arrow
Diamond Arrow Diamond Arrow - ammunition Weight: 0.15 oz
Attack: 37
Duration: 01:00
Shoot Type: Diamondarrow
Spectral Bolt Spectral Bolt - ammunition Weight: 0.20 oz
Attack: 78
Duration: 01:00
Shoot Type: Spectralbolt
Diamond Arrow Diamond Arrow - ammunition Weight: 0.80 oz
Attack: 37
Shoot Type: Diamondarrow
Spectral Bolt Spectral Bolt - ammunition Weight: 0.90 oz
Attack: 78
Shoot Type: Spectralbolt
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