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Informações - Armor
Image Name Attributes
Plate Armor Plate Armor - body Weight: 120.00 oz
Armor: 1010
Chain Armor Chain Armor - body Weight: 100.00 oz
Armor: 66
Brass Armor Brass Armor - body Weight: 80.00 oz
Armor: 88
Golden Armor Golden Armor - body Weight: 80.00 oz
Armor: 1414
Leather Armor Leather Armor - body Weight: 60.00 oz
Armor: 44
Magic Plate Armor Magic Plate Armor - body Weight: 85.00 oz
Armor: 1717
Knight Armor Knight Armor - body Weight: 120.00 oz
Armor: 1212
Scale Armor Scale Armor - body Weight: 105.00 oz
Armor: 99
Studded Armor Studded Armor - body Weight: 71.00 oz
Armor: 55
Doublet Doublet - body Weight: 25.00 oz
Armor: 22
Noble Armor Noble Armor - body Weight: 120.00 oz
Armor: 1111
Crown Armor Crown Armor - body Weight: 99.00 oz
Armor: 1313
Dark Armor Dark Armor - body Weight: 120.00 oz
Armor: 1010
Dragon Scale Mail Dragon Scale Mail - body Weight: 114.00 oz
Armor: 1515
Demon Armor Demon Armor - body Weight: 80.00 oz
Armor: 1616
Amazon Armor Amazon Armor - body Weight: 45.00 oz
Armor: 1313
Distance Fighting: +3
Dwarven Armor Dwarven Armor - body Weight: 130.00 oz
Armor: 1010
Physical Protection: +5%
Elven Mail Elven Mail - body Weight: 90.00 oz
Armor: 99
Native Armor Native Armor - body Weight: 80.00 oz
Armor: 77
Jacket Jacket - body Weight: 24.00 oz
Armor: 11
Coat Coat - body Weight: 27.00 oz
Armor: 11
Green Tunic Green Tunic - body Weight: 9.30 oz
Armor: 11
Red Tunic Red Tunic - body Weight: 14.00 oz
Armor: 22
Cape Cape - body Weight: 32.00 oz
Armor: 11
Red Robe Red Robe - body Weight: 26.00 oz
Description: The robe is artfully embroideredy.

Armor: 11
Blue Robe Blue Robe - body Description: It is a magic robe.

Weight: 22.00 oz
Armor: 1111
Simple Dress Simple Dress - body Weight: 10.00 oz
White Dress White Dress - body Weight: 24.00 oz
Ball Gown Ball Gown - body Weight: 25.00 oz
Ranger's Cloak Ranger's Cloak - body Weight: 48.00 oz
Armor: 77
Leopard Armor Leopard Armor - body Weight: 95.00 oz
Armor: 99
Spectral Dress Spectral Dress - body Weight: 10.00 oz
Pirate Shirt Pirate Shirt - body Weight: 20.00 oz
Armor: 33
Mammoth Fur Cape Mammoth Fur Cape - body Weight: 20.00 oz
Armor: 1010
Description: It is imbued with protective magic.

Terra Mantle Terra Mantle - body Weight: 22.50 oz
Armor: 1111
Earth Protection: +8%
Fire Protection: -8%
Glacier Robe Glacier Robe - body Weight: 22.50 oz
Armor: 1111
Ice Protection: +8%
Energy Protection: -8%
Lightning Robe Lightning Robe - body Weight: 22.50 oz
Armor: 1111
Energy Protection: +8%
Earth Protection: -8%
Magma Coat Magma Coat - body Weight: 22.50 oz
Armor: 1111
Fire Protection: +8%
Ice Protection: -8%
Magician's Robe Magician's Robe - body Description: This robe feels soft and light as a feather.

Weight: 25.00 oz
Armor: 66
Witchhunter's Coat Witchhunter's Coat - body Weight: 25.00 oz
Armor: 1111
Death Protection: +2%
Holy Protection: -2%
Dark Lord's Cape Dark Lord's Cape - body Description: There is a dark aura surrounding it.

Weight: 29.00 oz
Armor: 1111
Death Protection: +8%
Holy Protection: -8%
Robe Of The Ice Queen Robe Of The Ice Queen - body Description: The soft tissue shimmers.

Weight: 29.50 oz
Armor: 1212
Ice Protection: +12%
Energy Protection: -12%
Dragon Robe Dragon Robe - body Description: It is covered with runic symbols.

Weight: 28.50 oz
Armor: 1212
Fire Protection: +12%
Ice Protection: -12%
Velvet Mantle Velvet Mantle - body Description: The smooth tissue seems to sparkle.

Weight: 28.50 oz
Armor: 1212
Energy Protection: +12%
Earth Protection: -12%
Greenwood Coat Greenwood Coat - body Weight: 28.50 oz
Armor: 1212
Earth Protection: +12%
Fire Protection: -12%
Spirit Cloak Spirit Cloak - body Armor: 88
Weight: 26.50 oz
Magic Level: +1
Focus Cape Focus Cape - body Weight: 21.00 oz
Armor: 99
Magic Level: +1
Belted Cape Belted Cape - body Weight: 35.00 oz
Armor: 1010
Hibiscus Dress Hibiscus Dress - body Weight: 19.00 oz
Armor: 00
Summer Dress Summer Dress - body Weight: 10.00 oz
Armor: 00
Death Protection: +5%
Tunic Tunic - body Weight: 15.00 oz
Armor: 00
Girl's Dress Girl's Dress - body Weight: 13.00 oz
Armor: 00
Lavos Armor Lavos Armor - body Weight: 85.00 oz
Armor: 1313
Fire Protection: +3%
Ice Protection: -3%
Crystalline Armor Crystalline Armor - body Weight: 84.50 oz
Armor: 1313
Ice Protection: +3%
Energy Protection: -3%
Voltage Armor Voltage Armor - body Weight: 84.50 oz
Armor: 1313
Energy Protection: +3%
Earth Protection: -3%
Swamplair Armor Swamplair Armor - body Weight: 84.50 oz
Armor: 1313
Earth Protection: +3%
Fire Protection: -3%
Fireborn Giant Armor Fireborn Giant Armor - body Weight: 120.00 oz
Armor: 1515
Sword Fighting: +2
Fire Protection: +5%
Ice Protection: -5%
Earthborn Titan Armor Earthborn Titan Armor - body Weight: 120.00 oz
Armor: 1515
Axe Fighting: +2
Earth Protection: +5%
Fire Protection: -5%
Windborn Colossus Armor Windborn Colossus Armor - body Weight: 120.00 oz
Armor: 1515
Energy Protection: +5%
Earth Protection: -5%
Club Fighting: +2
Oceanborn Leviathan Armor Oceanborn Leviathan Armor - body Weight: 100.00 oz
Armor: 1515
Shielding: +1
Ice Protection: +5%
Energy Protection: -5%
Divine Plate Divine Plate - body Armor: 1313
Weight: 75.00 oz
Death Protection: +10%
Holy Protection: -10%
Molten Plate Molten Plate - body Armor: 1313
Weight: 75.00 oz
Fire Protection: +7%
Ice Protection: -7%
Frozen Plate Frozen Plate - body Armor: 1313
Weight: 75.00 oz
Ice Protection: +7%
Energy Protection: -7%
Master Archer's Armor Master Archer's Armor - body Armor: 1515
Weight: 69.00 oz
Distance Fighting: +3
Skullcracker Armor Skullcracker Armor - body Weight: 110.00 oz
Armor: 1414
Death Protection: +5%
Holy Protection: -5%
Robe Of The Underworld Robe Of The Underworld - body Weight: 31.00 oz
Armor: 1212
Death Protection: +12%
Holy Protection: -12%
Paladin Armor Paladin Armor - body Armor: 1212
Weight: 65.00 oz
Distance Fighting: +2
Ethno Coat Ethno Coat - body Armor: 77
Weight: 25.50 oz
Magic Level: +1
Yalahari Armor Yalahari Armor - body Weight: 70.00 oz
Armor: 1616
Death Protection: +3%
Flower Dress Flower Dress - body Weight: 19.00 oz
Heavy Metal T-shirt Heavy Metal T-shirt - body Description: Oddly enough it is not made of metal at all, but years without washing grant it added protection.

Weight: 8.00 oz
Armor: 66
Rain Coat Rain Coat - body Description: The wearer of this cape commands the forces of heaven.

Weight: 32.00 oz
Armor: 11
Rain Coat Rain Coat - body Description: The wearer of this cape commands the forces of heaven.

Weight: 32.00 oz
Duration: 00:05
Armor: 11
Zaoan Armor Zaoan Armor - body Weight: 95.50 oz
Armor: 1313
Speed: +10
Spellweaver's Robe Spellweaver's Robe - body Armor: 1111
Weight: 23.50 oz
Energy Protection: +10%
Earth Protection: -10%
Zaoan Robe Zaoan Robe - body Armor: 1111
Weight: 24.50 oz
Fire Protection: +10%
Ice Protection: -10%
Elite Draken Mail Elite Draken Mail - body Weight: 120.00 oz
Armor: 1515
Speed: +10
Royal Draken Mail Royal Draken Mail - body Weight: 130.00 oz
Armor: 1616
Shielding: +3
Physical Protection: +5%
Royal Scale Robe Royal Scale Robe - body Weight: 45.00 oz
Armor: 1212
Magic Level: +2
Fire Protection: +5%
Old Cape Old Cape - body Description: This old cape might be worth more than what it looks like.

Weight: 35.00 oz
Armor: 11
Ornate Chestplate Ornate Chestplate - body Weight: 156.00 oz
Armor: 1616
Shielding: +3
Physical Protection: +8%
Depth Lorica Depth Lorica - body Weight: 145.00 oz
Armor: 1616
Distance Fighting: +3
Death Protection: +5%
Calopteryx Cape Calopteryx Cape - body Weight: 20.00 oz
Armor: 1212
Magic Level: +1
Ice Protection: +5%
Gill Coat Gill Coat - body Weight: 19.00 oz
Armor: 1212
Earth Protection: +10%
Fire Protection: -10%
Magic Level: +1
Prismatic Armor Prismatic Armor - body Weight: 79.00 oz
Armor: 1515
Physical Protection: +5%
Speed: +15
Buckle Buckle - body Weight: 75.00 oz
Armor: 1212
Leather Harness Leather Harness - body Weight: 29.00 oz
Armor: 99
Albino Plate Albino Plate - body Weight: 84.00 oz
Armor: 1111
Goo Shell Goo Shell - body Weight: 48.00 oz
Armor: 1212
Earth Protection: +2%
Fire Protection: -2%
Furious Frock Furious Frock - body Weight: 34.00 oz
Armor: 1212
Fire Protection: +5%
Magic Level: +2
Glooth Cape Glooth Cape - body Armor: 99
Earth Protection: +5%
Fire Protection: -5%
Weight: 29.00 oz
Mooh'tah Plate Mooh'tah Plate - body Armor: 1212
Weight: 125.00 oz
Heat Core Heat Core - body Armor: 1212
Weight: 55.00 oz
Fur Armor Fur Armor - body Weight: 49.00 oz
Armor: 1111
Earth Protection: +5%
Ice Protection: +5%
Fireheart Cuirass Fireheart Cuirass - body Weight: 145.00 oz
Armor: 1818
Sword Fighting: +4
Fire Protection: +8%
Ice Protection: -8%
Fireheart Hauberk Fireheart Hauberk - body Weight: 145.00 oz
Armor: 1818
Axe Fighting: +4
Fire Protection: +8%
Ice Protection: -8%
Fireheart Platemail Fireheart Platemail - body Weight: 145.00 oz
Armor: 1818
Club Fighting: +4
Fire Protection: +8%
Ice Protection: -8%
Earthheart Cuirass Earthheart Cuirass - body Weight: 145.00 oz
Armor: 1818
Sword Fighting: +4
Earth Protection: +8%
Fire Protection: -8%
Earthheart Hauberk Earthheart Hauberk - body Weight: 145.00 oz
Armor: 1818
Axe Fighting: +4
Earth Protection: +8%
Fire Protection: -8%
Earthheart Platemail Earthheart Platemail - body Weight: 145.00 oz
Armor: 1818
Club Fighting: +4
Earth Protection: +8%
Fire Protection: -8%
Thunderheart Cuirass Thunderheart Cuirass - body Weight: 145.00 oz
Armor: 1818
Sword Fighting: +4
Energy Protection: +8%
Earth Protection: -8%
Thunderheart Hauberk Thunderheart Hauberk - body Weight: 145.00 oz
Armor: 1818
Axe Fighting: +4
Energy Protection: +8%
Earth Protection: -8%
Thunderheart Platemail Thunderheart Platemail - body Weight: 145.00 oz
Armor: 1818
Club Fighting: +4
Energy Protection: +8%
Earth Protection: -8%
Frostheart Cuirass Frostheart Cuirass - body Weight: 145.00 oz
Armor: 1818
Sword Fighting: +4
Ice Protection: +8%
Energy Protection: -8%
Frostheart Hauberk Frostheart Hauberk - body Weight: 145.00 oz
Armor: 1818
Axe Fighting: +4
Ice Protection: +8%
Energy Protection: -8%
Frostheart Platemail Frostheart Platemail - body Weight: 145.00 oz
Armor: 1818
Club Fighting: +4
Ice Protection: +8%
Energy Protection: -8%
Firesoul Tabard Firesoul Tabard - body Weight: 145.00 oz
Armor: 1818
Distance Fighting: +4
Fire Protection: +8%
Ice Protection: -8%
Earthsoul Tabard Earthsoul Tabard - body Weight: 145.00 oz
Armor: 1818
Distance Fighting: +4
Earth Protection: +8%
Fire Protection: -8%
Thundersoul Tabard Thundersoul Tabard - body Weight: 145.00 oz
Armor: 1818
Distance Fighting: +4
Energy Protection: +8%
Earth Protection: -8%
Frostsoul Tabard Frostsoul Tabard - body Weight: 145.00 oz
Armor: 1818
Distance Fighting: +4
Ice Protection: +8%
Energy Protection: -8%
Firemind Raiment Firemind Raiment - body Weight: 145.00 oz
Armor: 1515
Magic Level: +4
Fire Protection: +8%
Ice Protection: -8%
Earthmind Raiment Earthmind Raiment - body Weight: 145.00 oz
Armor: 1515
Magic Level: +4
Earth Protection: +8%
Fire Protection: -8%
Thundermind Raiment Thundermind Raiment - body Weight: 145.00 oz
Armor: 1515
Magic Level: +4
Energy Protection: +8%
Earth Protection: -8%
Frostmind Raiment Frostmind Raiment - body Weight: 145.00 oz
Armor: 1515
Magic Level: +4
Ice Protection: +8%
Energy Protection: -8%
Swan Feather Cloak Swan Feather Cloak - body Weight: 4.00 oz
Armor: 1212
Speed: +10
Earth Protection: +12%
Energy Protection: +12%
Gnome Armor Gnome Armor - body Weight: 120.00 oz
Armor: 1717
Distance Fighting: +3
Physical Protection: +4%
Energy Protection: +8%
Ice Protection: -2%
Falcon Plate Falcon Plate - body Armor: 1818
Shielding: +4
Physical Protection: +12%
Weight: 188.00 oz
Living Armor Living Armor - body Weight: 48.00 oz
Armor: 1313
Magic Level: +2
Earth Protection: +12%
Fire Protection: -5%
Dream Shroud Dream Shroud - body Weight: 25.00 oz
Armor: 1212
Magic Level: +3
Energy Protection: +10%
Bear Skin Bear Skin - body Weight: 44.00 oz
Armor: 1616
Magic Level: +4
Earth Protection: +11%
Fire Protection: -2%
Embrace Of Nature Embrace Of Nature - body Weight: 24.00 oz
Armor: 1616
Distance Fighting: +4
Ice Protection: +11%
Energy Protection: -3%
Toga Mortis Toga Mortis - body Weight: 52.00 oz
Armor: 1616
Magic Level: +4
Death Protection: +6%
Traditional Shirt Traditional Shirt - body Description: A traditional white Orcsoberfest shirt. Not worm by many ogres during the actual festivities anymore, however.

Weight: 4.00 oz
Armor: 00
Burial Shroud Burial Shroud - body Weight: 5.00 oz
Death Protection: +5%
Ghost Chestplate Ghost Chestplate - body Weight: 123.00 oz
Armor: 1717
Distance Fighting: +2
Physical Protection: +3%
Pair Of Old Bracers Pair Of Old Bracers - body Weight: 0.20 oz
Armor: 11
Soulshell Soulshell - body Armor: 1818
Distance Fighting: +4
Physical Protection: +3%
Fire Protection: +15%
Weight: 123.00 oz
Soulmantle Soulmantle - body Armor: 1717
Magic Level: +4
Physical Protection: +4%
Weight: 24.00 oz
Soulshroud Soulshroud - body Armor: 1717
Magic Level: +4
Death Protection: +10%
Weight: 24.00 oz
Lion Plate Lion Plate - body Armor: 1717
Sword Fighting: +3
Axe Fighting: +3
Club Fighting: +3
Physical Protection: +6%
Weight: 150.00 oz
Monster of the Week Monster Pedestal Box
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