Contentbox headline
Informações - Distance
Image Name Attributes
Small Stone Small Stone - distance Weight: 2.50 oz
Attack: 5
Shoot Type: Smallstone
Range: 4
Snowball Snowball - distance Weight: 0.80 oz
Shoot Type: Snowball
Range: 6
Spear Spear - distance Weight: 5.00 oz
Attack: 25
Shoot Type: Spear
Range: 4
Throwing Star Throwing Star - distance Weight: 0.50 oz
Attack: 30
Shoot Type: Throwingstar
Range: 4
Throwing Knife Throwing Knife - distance Weight: 1.50 oz
Attack: 25
Shoot Type: Throwingknife
Range: 4
Hunting Spear Hunting Spear - distance Weight: 5.00 oz
Attack: 32
Shoot Type: Huntingspear
Range: 3
Viper Star Viper Star - distance Weight: 1.50 oz
Attack: 28
Hit: +80%
Shoot Type: Greenstar
Range: 4
Enchanted Spear Enchanted Spear - distance Weight: 5.00 oz
Attack: 38
Shoot Type: Enchantedspear
Range: 4
Assassin Star Assassin Star - distance Weight: 1.00 oz
Attack: 65
Shoot Type: Redstar
Range: 4
Royal Spear Royal Spear - distance Weight: 5.00 oz
Attack: 35
Shoot Type: Royalspear
Range: 3
Elvish Bow Elvish Bow - distance Description: This beautifully ornamented bow was made by a skilled elvish bowmaker.

Weight: 39.00 oz
Range: 6
Hit: +5%
Modified Crossbow Modified Crossbow - distance Weight: 35.00 oz
Range: 5
Hit: +1%
Chain Bolter Chain Bolter - distance Weight: 55.00 oz
Range: 3
Attack: 4
Royal Crossbow Royal Crossbow - distance Weight: 120.00 oz
Range: 6
Hit: +3%
Attack: 5
Devileye Devileye - distance Weight: 55.00 oz
Range: 6
Hit: -20%
Attack: 20
Ironworker Ironworker - distance Weight: 55.00 oz
Range: 5
Attack: 4
Warsinger Bow Warsinger Bow - distance Weight: 45.00 oz
Range: 7
Hit: +5%
Attack: 3
Composite Hornbow Composite Hornbow - distance Weight: 52.00 oz
Range: 6
Hit: +2%
Attack: 3
Yol's Bow Yol's Bow - distance Weight: 35.00 oz
Range: 7
Hit: +7%
Silkweaver Bow Silkweaver Bow - distance Weight: 22.00 oz
Range: 6
Hit: +3%
Elethriel's Elemental Bow Elethriel's Elemental Bow - distance Weight: 44.00 oz
Range: 4
Attack: 7
Musician's Bow Musician's Bow - distance Description: If you could only figure out how you are supposed to fire more arrows at once.

Weight: 12.50 oz
Range: 4
Hive Bow Hive Bow - distance Weight: 46.00 oz
Range: 6
Hit: +5%
Attack: 2
Ornate Crossbow Ornate Crossbow - distance Weight: 91.00 oz
Range: 6
Hit: +2%
Attack: 1
Thorn Spitter Thorn Spitter - distance Weight: 126.00 oz
Range: 6
Attack: 9
Hit: +1%
Crystal Crossbow Crystal Crossbow - distance Weight: 84.00 oz
Range: 6
Attack: 4
Hit: +3%
Mycological Bow Mycological Bow - distance Weight: 49.00 oz
Range: 6
Attack: 4
Hit: +4%
Mean Paladin Spear Mean Paladin Spear - distance Weight: 10.00 oz
Attack: 15
Shoot Type: Spear
Range: 3
Triple Bolt Crossbow Triple Bolt Crossbow - distance Weight: 62.00 oz
Range: 5
Attack: 3
Hit: +2%
Icicle Bow Icicle Bow - distance Weight: 42.00 oz
Range: 6
Attack: 1
Hit: +4%
Crude Umbral Bow Crude Umbral Bow - distance Weight: 50.00 oz
Range: 7
Attack: 2
Hit: +5%
Umbral Bow Umbral Bow - distance Weight: 45.00 oz
Range: 7
Attack: 4
Hit: +5%
Umbral Master Bow Umbral Master Bow - distance Weight: 40.00 oz
Range: 7
Attack: 6
Hit: +5%
Distance Fighting: +3
Crude Umbral Crossbow Crude Umbral Crossbow - distance Weight: 130.00 oz
Range: 5
Hit: +1%
Attack: 3
Umbral Crossbow Umbral Crossbow - distance Weight: 125.00 oz
Range: 5
Hit: +2%
Attack: 6
Umbral Master Crossbow Umbral Master Crossbow - distance Weight: 120.00 oz
Range: 5
Hit: +4%
Attack: 9
Distance Fighting: +3
Glooth Spear Glooth Spear - distance Attack: 20
Shoot Type: Gloothspear
Range: 4
Weight: 26.00 oz
Rift Bow Rift Bow - distance Weight: 41.00 oz
Range: 7
Attack: 5
Hit: +3%
Rift Crossbow Rift Crossbow - distance Weight: 130.00 oz
Range: 5
Hit: +4%
Attack: 5
Bow Of Mayhem Bow Of Mayhem - distance Description: It can only be wielded properly by players of level 100 or higher.

Weight: 55.00 oz
Range: 6
Hit: +6%
Attack: 6
Crossbow Of Mayhem Crossbow Of Mayhem - distance Description: It can only be wielded properly by players of level 100 or higher.

Weight: 65.00 oz
Range: 5
Hit: +6%
Attack: 6
Bow Of Remedy Bow Of Remedy - distance Description: It can only be wielded properly by players of level 100 or higher.

Weight: 55.00 oz
Range: 6
Hit: +6%
Attack: 6
Crossbow Of Remedy Crossbow Of Remedy - distance Description: It can only be wielded properly by players of level 100 or higher.

Weight: 65.00 oz
Range: 5
Hit: +6%
Attack: 6
Bow Of Carving Bow Of Carving - distance Description: It can only be wielded properly by players of level 100 or higher.

Weight: 55.00 oz
Range: 6
Hit: +6%
Attack: 6
Crossbow Of Carving Crossbow Of Carving - distance Description: It can only be wielded properly by players of level 100 or higher.

Weight: 65.00 oz
Range: 5
Hit: +6%
Attack: 6
Leaf Star Leaf Star - distance Weight: 0.50 oz
Attack: 48
Hit: +90%
Shoot Type: Leafstar
Range: 4
Royal Star Royal Star - distance Weight: 1.70 oz
Attack: 64
Shoot Type: Royalstar
Range: 5
Plain Mayhem Bow Plain Mayhem Bow - distance Weight: 50.00 oz
Defense: 5
Attack: 5
Valuable Mayhem Bow Valuable Mayhem Bow - distance Weight: 50.00 oz
Defense: 5
Attack: 5
Ornate Mayhem Bow Ornate Mayhem Bow - distance Weight: 50.00 oz
Defense: 5
Attack: 5
Plain Mayhem Crossbow Plain Mayhem Crossbow - distance Weight: 50.00 oz
Defense: 5
Attack: 5
Valuable Mayhem Crossbow Valuable Mayhem Crossbow - distance Weight: 50.00 oz
Defense: 5
Attack: 5
Ornate Mayhem Crossbow Ornate Mayhem Crossbow - distance Weight: 50.00 oz
Defense: 5
Attack: 5
Plain Remedy Bow Plain Remedy Bow - distance Weight: 50.00 oz
Defense: 5
Attack: 5
Valuable Remedy Bow Valuable Remedy Bow - distance Weight: 50.00 oz
Defense: 5
Attack: 5
Ornate Remedy Bow Ornate Remedy Bow - distance Weight: 50.00 oz
Defense: 5
Attack: 5
Plain Remedy Crossbow Plain Remedy Crossbow - distance Weight: 50.00 oz
Defense: 5
Attack: 5
Valuable Remedy Crossbow Valuable Remedy Crossbow - distance Weight: 50.00 oz
Defense: 5
Attack: 5
Ornate Remedy Crossbow Ornate Remedy Crossbow - distance Weight: 50.00 oz
Defense: 5
Attack: 5
Plain Carving Bow Plain Carving Bow - distance Weight: 50.00 oz
Defense: 5
Attack: 5
Valuable Carving Bow Valuable Carving Bow - distance Weight: 50.00 oz
Defense: 5
Attack: 5
Ornate Carving Bow Ornate Carving Bow - distance Weight: 50.00 oz
Defense: 5
Attack: 5
Plain Carving Crossbow Plain Carving Crossbow - distance Weight: 50.00 oz
Defense: 5
Attack: 5
Valuable Carving Crossbow Valuable Carving Crossbow - distance Weight: 50.00 oz
Defense: 5
Attack: 5
Ornate Carving Crossbow Ornate Carving Crossbow - distance Weight: 50.00 oz
Defense: 5
Attack: 5
Cobra Crossbow Cobra Crossbow - distance Weight: 40.00 oz
Distance Fighting: +2
Range: 6
Hit: +6%
Attack: 7
Soulpiercer Soulpiercer - distance Weight: 40.00 oz
Range: 6
Hit: +6%
Attack: 9
Distance Fighting: +4
Death Protection: +7%
Monster of the Week Monster Pedestal Box
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