elcome to the incredible world of Tibiao860, this is the original OTServ Global RL. After a long time working on it our community brings you the best features of Tibia with version 8.6 settings.
You must use our Client:
Use our client to not take DeBug.
Client Downloads.
Tibiao860, Game Philosophy:
We are a strong OTServ with a serious and long-lasting profile, and our team is very effective in applying MMORPG and PVP with precision. Without in-game cancellations, we DO NOT sell any weapons or equipment in our online store, We staff DO NOT interfere in the game!
The donation is reverted to points where you can get some things in our WebStore. Premium Account players have new access like Roshamuul and Oramond, better stamina regeneration training and Loyalty Points.
Wikipedia Tibiao860:
Use our Tibia860 Wikipedia to learn more about the resources available on our server. There you can find information such as: Monster Research, Research Items, Party System, Castle War, Umbral Creation, Daily Reward, Missions, Raids, Special Foods and Stamina Information.
Server Information:
You can find complete information about our server at
Server Info.
Tibia860 Exclusive System:
We are happy to announcement our new features exclusive like TwitchTv System, Castle War Exclusive, Loyalty Points, Daily Reward, real and exclusive awards from Tibia860.
Read the Rules:
It is extremely important that you know our rules, read all paragraphs of the rules carefully to avoid further frustration. We are a serious team. The GM Hunter will be active in the game for quick support, we are professionals, we will give importance to the development and complete expansion of the game, we will not pay attention to the individual interests of the players and against the rule, against our code of conduct and ethics which is reflected in the punishment of the players and Gamemaster involved.
for your security, please create password different from other games.
Follow us on Instagram and Facebook for giveaways !
See you all soon !
Community Member: ADM Developer.